Monday, October 12, 2015

Okay we are on Sunday now.

Okay I made it out for Sunday School at 9:30 am. Thank you goes out to Billy Slater. He had to go to Star Bucks for his time with the Lord. Studying on his teaching at his church. So I rode along and had a wonderful time spending with him and others in the shop there. Then as the time was winding down we left and I got there just in time. This is Basil Miller, he works in the government here. But Basil had the chance to do a little teaching on Church History. Which turned out to be okay. 

If you look around and see Where are all the guys??? Oh that right Men's Retreat is still happening at Breeze's O would have gone, but I made plans to be here at Calvary Bible and afterwards. 

This is a small video on all that is going on in the church during the next week and so on. Terry Foxe is one of our single ladies that come out for Single's every once and while. 

You can really see that this place is pretty much dead. When the guys don't come out the church is a lot slower than normal. 

This is our small praise and worship team. The choir is off today. 

This is Pastor Brian doing more notices about the hurricane releaf. 

This is Pastor Wenlie. he taught on the Psalms 37:4 which is about your hearts desire, plus. 
The message was good and I walked away with w new idea on what this verse mean. 
Folks I have been here asking God for my next bug steps and what and where are they going to happen at. This comforted me a little about my hearts desire. Does it line up with His plan? We will see what happens when I get back to the states. 

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Okay this is after I redid all the flower beds and around the trees.

As you look at this closer, you will see the weeds are growing up again.  All I can do about the weeds is just spray with Round Up when Jean...