Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Another beautiful morning.

This is what we do each and every morning before work really starts. It is called devotion time.
 Elton spoke this morning on John 15;22
Which reads: They would not be guilty if I had not come and spoke to them. But now they have no excuse for their sin. 
What he is talking about, Jesus came into this world for us sins. So there really not reason to sin. Or look ask Him forgiveness for our sin. 
How many times do we have excuses, oh I forgot or it was not me! They should have done it. We all have excuses and the sad part, most of the time it is our sin. We lie or blame someone else for something that when wrong. 
It just was a good reminder that we all deal with sin and we need not to. We have Christ as our Savor. Just ask Him and He will forgive you, for any thing. 

After that, Bob and Tim Seeley went to a friends store to check out some air conditions. The reason is at the Camp they will be putting units in each cabin. I guess that was board approved? But the guy that owns the shop was out. So Tim and Bob just went over the National Plumbing and got some plumbing parts. 
Mean while I just finished the chick coop.. I hope this will work okay? 

YOU will never guess what time it is now? That right lunch time again. Then can to figure out where we had lunch? If you guessed Carl's Jr. Correct. Hey when the food is good and you enjoy something, why not go back and then go again. Well since I have been back here, have been there three (3) times. It sure is good food. 
That right Tim Ryan, Billy Slater and myself. It is so much fun to get to hang out with these guys. It seems like it is always a food place we meet at. What do you think 

After I got back I went over to Billy's home. He is letting me a duffel bag for the clothes I will be leaving here. I thought why bring them back and forward each time. I am washing them as I write this. Billy will be stopping by tonight to drop off some mail. Evey time some one goes back the the states, they always ask. Not a big deal. Then he can take my clothes back with him and store them for me. I will be flying out tomorrow morning around 9am. I am doing my blog now. The reason sometimes I have not be able to get on inter net there at the air port. This way I make sure I get to say good bye for now.
 I really mean SEE YOU SOON. 
Every one that I had a chance to spend any time with, THANK YOU. I am not sure if you know this or not. Hey I love to come here and help out at the ALC. But the really blessing is when I get to spend time with my family here. I love you all and I would love to hear form you all. 
This is my new e mail address:
Phone number is 954-552-3318
Now calling me will cost me money. I don't have a date plan or even free minutes/texts. I pay by the minute.Which right now it working for me. E mail is good. 
Love to hear form YOU!!!!!

Bob is back, this is Bob with Judy, not Faye. The NEW MAINTENANCE GUY!!!!!!!

Well by looking around trying to figure out what is next to work on. Mr Bob came in and he got the new exhaust pipe that was needed for the SCAG lawn mower. Plus installed a new troddle cable. It started right up and then dead. After letting it sit for a couple of minutes it ran great. I was not there after he got it started, but Mark told me that he was out cutting the grass and boy it did well. Things like this are such a blessing for us here at the ALC. If you have seen any thing about our lawn mowers, we have some troubles. So prayerfully this is the answer. If we can keep it up and running. Now who is going do the cutting? 

Around lunch time, we drove over to Carl Jr's. Boy Tim Ryan and I went there last week for lunch. I really enjoyed the hamburgers and even the fries have a nice taste. But if you want to get in and get out. Get there before 12 pm. Which we did and afterwards saw the line go out the door, waiting to get some food. 

After lunch I drove him back to the Centre dropped him off. I needed to do a little shopping before I leave on Thursday. So some of these pictures are not in order, but just some shots of the roads and areas. The one I blew up is Nassau Village. If you have been checking out my blog when I was back in Coconut Creek, there is a village in the Wynmoore that is called Nassau Village. Which to me is such a neat ting. While riding my bike around the complex I think about this place.
I drove up town to get some conch for a friend back in Pompano Beach area. 

I bought three of them. Cost was $9.00. I thought I could get it cheaper some where else, but time is not on my side now. 

Okay what do you do when you don't know where the can opener is???? I know Faye has one some where? 
I went out and bought a new phone and now this will be my phone number when I come to town. 
Hey everyone have a great day and talk with you soon. I will be leaving here on Thursday morning around 9 am. So I hope to blog in the morning at the airport. We will see what happens. 

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

This is just one day's new paper here.

Just;packed with all kinds of stuff. This is the local new paper. It is not a rag style, but it covers everything you could ask for. 
The first picture is of our New Governor General. Which now is Mrs. Prinder. Which her hubby was our first Prime Minster, of the Bahamas (1973)
Then the next one is a cartoon, it is about all the Black Outs we been having.Before I came the power has been off for 6 hours at a time. Then yesterday, it was off between 8 am until 2pm. then off again for about hour, then ff again until 8pm last night.  Plus the last picture too. 
Main radio station has been robbed, the wire to the tower was stolen on Saturday, during the time the sun was out still. 
Then the last one is about the minster that over sees the BEC, Bahamas Electric Company. He has been talked about many times in the last six months or so. He has been trying to make the company some money. So he has been the brunt of many jokes. I saw one on You Tube last week. 
Over all this country has so much going on. I just love reading the paper. 

I am sooooo BLESSED

These all the guys that came out to have dinner with. I just got these pictures and I know they are much better that the ones I took. So I just wanted to you see all my family at Calvary. Not all, but the men that came out on Friday night. I sure felt the love. I told all of them how nice it was for them to all come out, then Kevin said, we came out for the food?
These are only part of the men at Calvary Bible, I got a couple e mails telling me that they were sorry, they would not be able to get out that night. But on Sunday I had a chance to see pretty much every one else. Folks how can you walk away and say GOOD BYE? So I am only saying I will see you soon. 

Thank you Allan for the pictures, they sure are a lot nicer than mine.

Monday at ALC, Camp is still on, last week.

Folks if you don't know about the Adventure Learning Centre, please check out their web page.

This is why I am here. This place has a chance to pour into these kids lives the truth and love of Christ. While doing all that they use the property in every way they can. Nature and science. Then they share His Word too. It is such a wonderful place to see hear about Christ. Our staff is such a good reflection of our Lord Jesus. 

I had a chance to finish up the chicken coop. Now I only need the hinges and latches. Hope today to go to Kelly's and try to find something that will work. I went to CBS yesterday and bought every thing I needed, but it cost $48.00. Three pair of hinges -$30.00 alone. 

On the trolley found anther flat tyre. Boy we sure go through tyres here. I went to buy one and found out the tube was ripped too. So like most places, they don't carry tubes. Had to go to Battery Tyre Spec. They always have everything you need for tyres. Except they don't sell used ones. A new one cost around $120.00. So I try to find used one, $45.00.
While the tyre was off. Mark tried to clean them up and then painted them. The rust is still coming through. That is why I need tubes in the tyres. The rims all leak.

The camp group that has been here since I got here, Saturday. They have been using this room. So last night I asked Tim and Mindy if I could use it. It is small and I don't feel like you are wasting air cond, power in this small room. The place I have been staying has air, but it is such a waste of power. Cabin #3. So last night I slept so GOOOOOOOOD. I am sure spoiled?

This is Sunday School at Calvary Bible.

The teacher name is Brian. He has been trying to teach the class about why we believe what we do and how to share it. It has been very enjoyable. I have been part of this class for many years and ever time I walk away and say wow. Brian is a deep teacher like Pastor Lee. But you always learn something.

This is Melonie. I have known her as long as I have been going to church here. Plus she has been a good friend plus helps me out on all kinds of lock problems. She works at Albury's Lock. So when never I need keys or rekey a lock, she is the girl. I have been after her to come out to Single's at Calvary for these many years too. She has such a nice smile and always giving me a hard time. 

Pastor Jerry had a chance to share about the Senor Pastor search. By reading the notes above, they are telling us, that Pastor Ellicott is still in the running. I really like this guy and I hope and pray he is the one. 

This is our Senor Pastor Lee. He had a chance to share God's Word and it was on Psalms 22. All about how to pray and how our Lord has so much mercy for us. His grace and love is always at our finger tips. Folks if you don't get into His Word and seek Him, YOU are all missing SO MUCH. 

Then after church I had a chance to go over to Billy's home and spend the afternoon with them. I have been so blessed to call these people my family and friends. The young couple below, that is Katelyn and Bruce, her grand dad. Bruce came to town to help Billy out. Then Katelyn help out at the ALC, summer camp. 

This is Billy's back yard. Pretty nice? Man since I have been here I have not been in the water. I hear the kids saying, let us go swimming mom? I said I am right with them. The water was so beautiful. Plus refreshing. It usually is really hot, but it was just right. Just laid in it and played a little with the kids and I was happy. Left for my home and look back and say

I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...