Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Monday at ALC, Camp is still on, last week.

Folks if you don't know about the Adventure Learning Centre, please check out their web page.

This is why I am here. This place has a chance to pour into these kids lives the truth and love of Christ. While doing all that they use the property in every way they can. Nature and science. Then they share His Word too. It is such a wonderful place to see hear about Christ. Our staff is such a good reflection of our Lord Jesus. 

I had a chance to finish up the chicken coop. Now I only need the hinges and latches. Hope today to go to Kelly's and try to find something that will work. I went to CBS yesterday and bought every thing I needed, but it cost $48.00. Three pair of hinges -$30.00 alone. 

On the trolley found anther flat tyre. Boy we sure go through tyres here. I went to buy one and found out the tube was ripped too. So like most places, they don't carry tubes. Had to go to Battery Tyre Spec. They always have everything you need for tyres. Except they don't sell used ones. A new one cost around $120.00. So I try to find used one, $45.00.
While the tyre was off. Mark tried to clean them up and then painted them. The rust is still coming through. That is why I need tubes in the tyres. The rims all leak.

The camp group that has been here since I got here, Saturday. They have been using this room. So last night I asked Tim and Mindy if I could use it. It is small and I don't feel like you are wasting air cond, power in this small room. The place I have been staying has air, but it is such a waste of power. Cabin #3. So last night I slept so GOOOOOOOOD. I am sure spoiled?

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

It has been a while since I have trimmed and cleaned out her gutters too.  Oh, the reason I am here now is because Jeanne and her sisters pl...