Tuesday, September 18, 2018

As this is Sunday 9th of Sept we drove over to Williamsburg, Virginia

It was funny how we got there an the first street we crossed. 

This is was a cloth shop.  

This is the Armory of the Fort Williamsburg. 

As we sat there a gentlemen was telling us about the different kinds of balls they shot out of the different muskets. 

These two are my niece, (Kathy)  and her hubby Gary. I was very blessed that they took the time to show me around and just enjoy their company. 

This guy was showing us how to make a small copper pot. While he was making it. He told us many stories about history. The history we were taught and what the truth really was. 

I  did see a couple of folks riding in one of the carriages. 

This are stockades that they would use to lock folks up. Then they would be humiliated. You know throw tomato's at the people locked up. 
Well during our time there, it did rain for a little while. So we just sat around and waited for it to stop/ Then Gary asked me how I was doing? i told him I think we have walked enough. 
After here we drove over to another monument. I will write about that tomorrow. 

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