Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Well looking at the time I see it is lunch time.

I pulled into the strip mall down road of where Don lives. I saw this Barnes and Noble still in business. Sad to say the ones down in the Fort Lauderdale area are pretty all gone. 

Hey how can you go wrong going to McDonald's ?That right I am buying two sandwiches. One Big Mac and the other fish. I usually eat one and take the other one home for later. Not today. 

I stopped by the YMCA. Last time I stay at Don's home, I walked in here and told the guy behind the counter that I was visiting a old friend and would like to use the gym. No problem. I think I went there like three times. No charge. So I stopped in and thought maybe I can use it again? The guy behind the counter showed me that is cost $47.00 a month to come into this place. WOW. 
I guess I will not be stopping here again. 

Got to Don and Meg's home and relaxed and just chilled for the rest of the day. Both Don and Meg had to work. Meg is really helping her daughter out with baby sitting a couple of times a week. Don had to go to a meeting at work at 2pm . Hey they got home and we got some what caught up and went out for dinner.
Starting the next day Don and I will be driving north to go up to Webster, New York. That is where we both were brought up and that is where I know him too. 
As it is Wednesday I am writing this. I hope today to get some lumber and start redoing their back porch on the house here? 

This has some water damage and need to replace the flooring in it. 
So far I have really been enjoying my time and just hanging out with Don. I will be sharing pictures and stuff while we were up north tomorrow. 
Over all I pray you all had a wonderful Labor Day week-end and everyone had some fun. I know I did. 

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Yesterday afternoon. Jan 25th. Jeanne had to work this Saturday morning. (testing students at school).

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