Wednesday, September 12, 2018

I think this is Monday (Labor Day)

You can see this is the town of Wilcott, New York 
I got turned around and left the town. Then found out I left? \
All is well, got back and found the McDoanld's I was looking for, Had my coffee there. 

Then I went to meet Don and Ray for breakfast. Mean while they were not ready to get up that way yet. So I drove back and went over to Don's cottage and picked up two trailer tires, for the boat. Thinking the tires were flat on it and needed to replace them. 

On the way down to the cottage I saw this beautiful flag hanging there and thought wow that was great to see. Remembering it is Labor Day. 
Drove back to the dinner and had breakfast with Don and his cousin Ray. We said our good byes and on our way back to Webster, New York. 

Seeing these wind mills just outside of the town lines of Webster, was neat to see. 

Got back to Don's house (Bay Road) Now was the job to get the boat out of there and cleaned up a little. Mean while we needed to clear some of the branches around it. So we can get the truck under them to pull the boat out. 

This is Dave, he has been our friend since Boy Scots. His mother was my Den Mom. So Dave had to drive back home to get his chain saw to clear it out. 

Dave pulled the boat out and we pulled the mattress off of it and noticed the inside of the boat is full of leaves. So Don got in and started throwing the out. 

It's fit was right there. I little tight, but it is inside now. 

This is Dave and Don. I really did enjoy just working together with these guys and made it happen. 
So after this Don and I went to a motel and got cleaned up and went over and meet Dave and his wife Diane and had a wonderful diner. It was really nice the see those two and just get some what caught up, on our lives. 
After wards Don and I went back to the motel and got a wonderful night of rest. 
Okay this all happen on Labor Day.
Now as it is Wednesday the 12th.of Sept.  Meanwhile I went to Virgina and I am back at Don't home. 
There is a hurricane out there called Florence out there in the Atlantic Ocean. It is now heading more below us. So we can breath a  little easier. 
Please keep the folks that are in the path of her and protect them. I know there is always some folks that will ride it out and I am sorry for that. 
Lives are not replaceable. Things like house and stuff are. 
Please let go of this stuff. 

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