Monday, September 10, 2018

I am in paradise here in Port Bay.

This is Ray and Joyce's summer home. This a kit, log cabin. Ray was telling me that they built this house at the factory and showed him the walls on the outside up. To me I really never heard how they do that. I thought that was a lot of work. But at that time you can change things too. Now remember this is 30 + years ago. 

This is Kevin and his wife they are celebrating their 30 years of happy. 

This is looking down from the bed room above. 

I guess they have been using this sing for many years and it is like a menu. Hey like I said they have been doing these family reunions for 30 years or more. 

This is their driveway. That is correct DRIVEWAY #2

This is their back yard. WOW!

I think this is Sunday of Labor day week-end. We all went out to breakfast and had a wonderful time. 

This is just looking around the small little city here called Wolcott. New York. 

This is Ray, Joyce and Don. 

This was won at a raffle and Joyce won it. It is carved with chain saw. 
The one below was at some one else house in Webster, NY.

This is was outside this guys house we went to find out about lawn service., for Don's dad's house in Webster. NY. 

This is under the cottage. Wow all kinds of room and stuff the story. 

This is the up stairs of the cabin. 

Looking down again and seeing all these neat things, old toys and just old stuff. Kinda neat. 

This is Cory, Roger, Don and Nicole. 
Cory an Nicole are going out together. Roger is Nicloe's dad. So now you have meet some of the folks I enjoyed talking just hanging out with. 
I was very blessed to be able to come p that way and just enjoy some peace and quit. 
Hey I am trying to get caught up on the blog. 
Today is Sept 10th. 
Hey I see there is a hurricane coming this way. I am in Virginia. The town is called Mathews. I have taken many pictures and one day will get caught up. NOT TODAY

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