Tuesday, September 25, 2018

We are getting ready to drive back to Balt.

Just pulled out of the Super 8 hotel and heading to Walmart. The reason is we need to buy some spray paint. You will see why next could of pictures down the road. 

This is called the Nutcracker. I think pretty we ate here almost every time. Good food and prices are pretty good. Plus their food is good tasting. 

This is why we stopped at Walmart. To spray FREE on the logs in front of Don's house in Webster, NY. 

 When we were just kids, this was our road to ride our bikes on and pretty much get where ever we needed. 

This was my first job as being 16. It was called the Heritage House in West Webster, NY. 
I was a dish washer and pans. Many more pans than dishes. I do remember getting tips while working there too. I guess the waitress would put all the tips together and share with us in back too. I thought that was kinda of neat. 

This is Saint Rita's School and church. I went there from 1st grade to 4th grade. I do remember passing grade was 75. Then I asked to go to public school. Their passing grade was 65. 

This is on Bay Road and Old Ridge Road. It was a mom and pop grocery store. Now it is a Craft Beer Store plus. 

While we were just driving around I saw a paper signs saying Class Reunion 1963. So we followed the signs to a party house. They were setting up for the party that afternoon. Don asked if they knew Bob Same (Don's brother) They all chirped in saying yes. Plus they knew Bob and his wife Joyce were in Ireland. Don texted his brother while there, asking what, you are in Ireland? 
Plus he sent Bob some of the pictures we took of the group.  

This is my play ground while living here in Webster. I would go down to the bay many times and just hang out with a group called the Bay Rats. 

We are on the express way now heading back to Balt. 

As driving along seeing all the views and sites. It really was beautiful. 

Don was getting tied, So was stopped at the same rest area we did last time coming back home. 

I looked at this sign thinking??? 
Okay I didn't
see this sign coming into the building. (Front) So why would thy have this sign here, coming back into the building from the site seeing area? Maybe people like to take their clothes off while site seeing. I just thought that was kinda of FUNNY. Plus where would you get a pet from out there? Maybe a wolf or bear?? 
Hey all I can say was this trip was a lot of fun and enjoy just hanging out with Don and his family. we got back to his home in Balt and just chilled that evening, Maybe not just chilled. You see what I am talking about tomorrow. 

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Yesterday afternoon. Jan 25th. Jeanne had to work this Saturday morning. (testing students at school).

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