Saturday, September 22, 2018

I am thinking this is Wednesday the 12 of Sept?

Well I got up and Don asked me to check out the coil and spark plugs on the Toyota. The spark plugs are set way down in the head. So I used the coil to lift them out. It worked great. 

The plug has seen better days. So Don ordered a new set of four. 

Now he asked me to get this pressure washer working. 

I guess this is the by pass. It sticks in the down position. So I need to pop it up. I hooked up the water line an turned the water on. Not budging. So I texted Don, he told me that I need to start the engine up and she will pop out. 

Thinking maybe this plug will fly out of there? So I put a trash bag over it. It worked. 

Okay now I need to put some grease on it and it will work again??? 

Okay all greased up and ready to go. I started it up and there was still no pressure coming out. I gave up and waited for Don to come home. Found the tip on the wand was plugged up. Tried again and the water came out but no pressure. Oh well, I guess it needs O rings in the pump? 

Mean while Don has had his son's(Bob) snake for many years. This last month or so, he was not eating. So Don tried again and he ate. 
Not sure why his shedding is not falling off? 
Oh well ad least he ate a small mouse. 
Folks now we are talking about driving up to Webster again. We will be leaving in the morning. 
It really is kinda neat to go back up there and just look around and remember my passed. 
Folks this is Saturday(22) for me here back in Fort Pierce. Tonight it turns to fall. That is correct, fall is here already. I really hope and pray that our over night temps will start to drop a little. It is like 78 outside now at 7:31 am 
The temp is going up to 87. 
Oh well, about Falling temps
Hey it really is nice to be back home and have been working with Roy since I got back. Hey have made a buck or two. I am trying to save up for a couple of more trip this fall. Maybe next month going back to Baltimore. November going over to Nassau. After that going to drive to Wisconsin. 
I just got a text from Don wanting me to come back and help him with his deck, plus, he has tickets for the Maryland and Michigan game. Not sure how this is going to work out. The game is in Michigan? 

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