Monday, January 21, 2013

Yesterday we went to a church called NPCC

This church is a place I have visited before. Their name is New Providence Community Centre. As a group we had the chance to walk around and see all they are doing for the area. Matthew is the teaching pastor. He was telling us all about how this community is in need to recycling and just letting the people know about how it would be a big help down the road. Plus he was saying how much they are trying to work along side other areas to make our island a better place o live.
The teaching was pretty good. One of the other pastor tautgh. I am sorry but I think his name was Todd. The teaching was on 1 Samuel 18:1-4 plus many other verses in Samuel about how Jonathan was willing to help David out with all that was going on. The message was What Do You Have In Your Bag? He was showing us about all we have and is it good to have? Plus what we should carry in our bag. I am sorry but I didn't write down all the verses he was sharing. He spoke of Accountable, Relayabilly, Risk and there was like 6 different areas he went with. Like I said I enjoyed it. There is just a couple of things I am not sure the way they do it?
Over all, talking with the kids they enjoyed it very much too. I think the neat part of all that we heard was about how the church is working to help the community. That is why these students are here to see how a nation as our selves are trying to fix and make our world here a better place. Plus the future, what we need to do to fix tings here so our children's children will have a future to call this island their home. If you look at all the places we have been, it really has been a eye opener for me to see that our nation is really trying to save this place and the ways we can do it. These students are here to study what and how we are trying to make a future for our kids. I really think these students have learned a lot and will be helping in other tings when they get back to their own world again.
Today we are going to the Collage of The Bahamas. Hope to see what they are doing to help our nation too.

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I had a opportunity to help out my cousin.

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